Mount Everest - where it is, temperature at the top

Everest is the highest peak in the world, the second name is Chomolungma. Its popularity with climbers is great, especially among those who are eager to conquer this height. Without a doubt, a trip to the peak of the mountain is a dangerous adventure, because many people lost their lives on the way to the goal. But the hero who managed to conquer Everest can fully enjoy this unearthly beauty and a sense of freedom. It lurks something special that attracts and attracts people in such a way, even at the cost of its life ...

Where is Mount Everest and what is its height

The height of Everest is 8848 meters. Only in 1853 did the world learn about the highest point of the earth when the first ascent to the mountain took place. Prior to the opening of the summit, the championship was occupied by Mount Kanchenjunga, 8586 meters high.

Everest is located in the Himalayan mountains in southern Asia. The exact location cannot be formulated, since the length of the mountain occupies the territory of two neighboring countries: China and Nepal.

The top, which is located on the north side, is located in China. The second peak, a little less than 8760 meters high, is located on the demarcation line of Tibet and Nepal.

Air temperature at the top and at the foot

The climate and temperature of Everest are severe and unpredictable, and sometimes even extreme. The temperatures at the foot and at the top are sharply different from each other. At the foot, this is usually a plus temperature, which decreases by 6.5 degrees with every thousand meters.

Temperature depends on seasonality, but never exceeds 0 degrees. The most favorable climatic conditions in the summer months of the year, the average July temperature is minus 19 degrees. In winter, the temperature decreases, so the average temperature in January-February is -36 degrees, and at night it can reach 55-60 degrees below zero.

In the winter and spring season, westerly winds “walk”, and in winter - southwest winds, the speed of which can reach 280 kilometers per hour. In the summer and autumn months, monsoons from the Indian Ocean blow, with the arrival of which a large amount of rainfall occurs.

A sharp change in temperature on Everest is a frequent phenomenon. Even in the most favorable period for conquest (from May to October), sudden storms and snowfalls are also characteristic. But in each season 3-4 days of steady weather, they are called "windows", which climbers use to conquer the mountain peaks.

Atmosphere pressure

Every 10-12 meters, atmospheric pressure decreases by 1 millimeter of mercury. With a simple mathematical calculation, the calculated height at the top of Everest is about 23 millimeters of mercury, with a norm of 760 millimeters, like at the foot of a mountain. Actual atmospheric pressure at the peak is 3 times lower than normal.

IT'S IMPORTANT TO KNOW! The drop in atmospheric pressure is directly related to the occurrence of mountain sickness in climbers (oxygen deficiency). As a result, hypoxia, pulmonary edema, and heart failure may develop. Therefore, when the first signs of a decrease in the partial pressure of oxygen occur, it is necessary to drop the height as soon as possible and go down.

Flora and fauna

The vegetation and wildlife of Everest are not very diverse. At the foot you can find some varieties of low-growing shrubs, individual tufts of grass, some conifers, mosses and lichens. But with every kilometer up, this meager flora disappears. On the slopes of Chomolungma, you can find a bush called rhododendron snow. This is the only plant whose life is possible at an altitude of over 5000 meters at constant subzero temperatures.

Among living beings you can find Himalayan jumping spiders, some species of grasshoppers. At the top of the mountain live mountain ducks, alpine jackdaws and some other species of birds that can live at high altitude.

INTERESTING! There is a legend about the phenomenon on the slopes of the famous Bigfoot - Yeti. But so far only huge tracks have been found in the snow, according to the locals belonging to this unique creature. But the fact of its existence has not yet been proven, although many scientists and climbers are engaged in the search for this miracle.Video info

How and who conquered Everest

  • The first who managed to accomplish the feat and conquer the highest world peak with a height of 8848 meters were climber Edmund Hillary and Nepalese sherpa Tenzing Norgay. Almost 65 years have passed since then (1953). And during this period of time, hundreds of thousands of brave people tried to conquer this mountain.
  • The second ascent of the Jomolungma was 3 years later in 1956 by the Swiss expeditionary group led by Ernst Reiss and Fritz Luxinger.
  • In 1963, the first American expedition to Everest was organized, Jim Whittaker became a conqueror. The American was accompanied by Sherpa Navang Gombu, who later in 1965 climbed to the top for the second time as part of the Indian expedition and became the first person who was lucky enough to conquer the peak twice.
  • In 1975, the Japanese woman Junko Tabei became the first conqueror of Everest, among the beautiful half of humanity.
  • In 1982, the first Soviet expedition took place, reaching the top of the world. It consisted of 25 people, the leaders of the group were Vladimir Balyberdin and Eduard Myslovsky.

Since then, many ascents to Everest have been made by mankind, among which people of different generations and nationalities. At the end of 2017, the total number of people who reached the peak was 8306 people.

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Useful information and interesting facts.

  1. The highest peak in the world was named in honor of the scientist George Everest, who first managed to determine the location and height of the mountain range. The second name "Chomolungma" was given by locals, which means "Mother Earth Goddess."
  2. The height of Everest is increasing by about 4 millimeters every year.
  3. Climbing takes about 2 months, taking into account the time for adaptation and acclimatization.
  4. In 2004, on top of Everest, a couple from Nepal became husband and wife.
  5. Climbing is an expensive pleasure, the price is at least 50-60 thousand dollars.
  6. Due to the large amount of trash that climbers leave on the slopes, the Nepalese government obliges each expedition person to collect at least 8 kg of trash or pay 4 thousand dollars.
  7. The oldest conqueror of Everest is the 80-year-old Japanese Yuichiro Miura.
  8. The youngest is Jordan Romero, he was 13 years old.
  9. Statistics say that 10 successful climbs account for 1 death.
  10. Frozen bodies of climbers do not evacuate from the slopes of Everest. Moreover, the corpses of people serve as identification marks of a particular place or height.

No matter how attractive the place Everest is, there is a flip side, sometimes terrible and cruel. Every step with every hundred meters is given with great difficulty. And no one is safe from mountain sickness and death from hypoxia, pulmonary edema or frostbite, even the most trained athletes. But still there are extreme people who bet on life to conquer Everest and, feeling euphoria, enjoy the beauty of the world from its highest mark.

Watch the video: 19 Interesting Facts About Mount Everest (October 2024).

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