How to clean your ears properly in adults and children

Personal hygiene for every person comes first. It is important to keep your body and ears clean - no exception. At first glance, cleaning the external auditory canals is simple.

Ears should be treated regularly, but being careful not to harm the middle ear. Details on how to properly clean your ears at home, I will describe in this article.

Preparation and Precautions

Before embarking on hygiene procedures, it is important to know that the ear is an organ that can self-clean. Excessive efforts can bring harm, not benefit.

Forewarned is forearmed. See what symptoms can occur if the inside of the ear is damaged. At the slightest suspicion, it is better to go to the doctor.

  • Sharp pain inside the ear.
  • Noise or extraneous sound in the head.
  • Partial hearing loss.
  • Traces of blood on a cotton swab.

Why do sulfur plugs appear

An unpleasant moment when sulfur plugs occur. From time to time they have to get rid of them. In some people, pollution occurs more often, while in others the process of sulfur production is slowed down. It depends on the individual characteristics of the body.

Ear wax plays a protective role. It creates microflora inside the shell, which moisturizes the ear canal, and has an anti-inflammatory function. When a person is healthy, it is produced in such an amount that the body is able to cleanse on its own. The habit of constantly "picking" in the ear, hoping that this is a good thing, turns into a disaster.

INTERESTING! The more often cleaning is done, the more earwax is produced.

Why clean your ears from sulfur plugs and how dangerous they are

Earwax is a necessary part of the organ of hearing. If the ear is not cleaned for a long time, a considerable amount of sulfur accumulates. Getting rid of it, a person, instead of rinsing the auricle, picks inside with a wand. In this case, sulfur is partially recovered, and the rest is pushed and caked inside. This is how the well-known cork is formed. The main symptom of its appearance is partial hearing loss and discomfort.

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The right decision is a visit to the otolaryngologist. A doctor in 10 minutes will fix the problem by rinsing under pressure. The procedure is unpleasant, but painless. Some treat the ears on their own without worrying about the consequences.

Effective Adult Cleaning Methods

Classic way

A simple way to clean the auricle and ear canal is as follows:

  1. Rinse the ear with warm water inside (as far as possible) and outside.
  2. Dry with cotton swabs or towels.
  3. Using a cotton swab, remove any residual sulfur near the entrance to the ear canal, but do not go deep.
ATTENTION! Doctors recommend rinsing with warm water daily, but use the sticks once a week, so the ears will always remain clean and healthy.

Hydrogen peroxide

It is useful to use hydrogen peroxide. A solution of room temperature is collected in a syringe (without a needle) and, taking into account your own feelings, 8-10 drops are instilled into each ear. After a few minutes, when the sulfur softens, it is removed with a cotton swab.

Wax candles

For cleaning, you can use special wax candles. They look like the length of a funnel-stick, which is inserted into the ear hole with a narrow end, and the other side is set on fire and waiting. When свечи remains from the candle, it is removed and stewed in water, and the ear is washed and wiped dry.


If you do not want to go to the hospital for deep cleaning every time, the procedure is carried out independently, using a syringe without a needle or a small medical "pear". Boiled water at room temperature is collected and injected shallow into the ear canal. Under the pressure of water, most of the sulfur goes out.

Olive oil

There are various ways to clean your ear canal. One of these methods can be called olive oil cleansing. It is important to make sure it is at room temperature or slightly warmer. It is enough to instill 2-3 drops in each ear. To do the procedure alternately for the right and left sides, since lying on one side or on the other side will take 10 minutes. After manipulation, wash your ears and wipe them dry.

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Specialized pharmacy preparations

The most common pharmacy cleaning products are urea peroxide. Dilute four tablets in 200 ml of water and rinse your ears. Remo-wax is widely used, especially for people with hearing aids. Affects the earwax A-Tserumen, Aquamaris-oto.

How to clean ears from traffic jams in children

The auricles in children are very delicate, so they need to be cleaned carefully and gently. Too often, this procedure is useless. In addition to daily baths, it is enough to clean the entrance to the ear with a cotton swab once a week, without going deeply.

In order for the child to behave calmly, he needs to be distracted by something or someone. In the pharmacy you can buy convenient sticks with a limiter, if there is a fear during the cleaning process to harm the baby.

Watch the video: How to remove ear wax - Ask A Doc. Cook Children's (October 2024).

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