Origanum ordinary grass - medicinal properties, recipes, contraindications

The topic of the article will be common oregano, useful properties and contraindications. It was not without reason that I decided to talk about this, since in winter this miraculous plant helps to fight various diseases characteristic of this period.

Oregano is a plant with an upright stalk, oblong ovoid leaves with a pleasant smell. The height does not exceed 60 cm, however, there are specimens of meter "growth".

Origanum common blooms in mid-summer when it throws out inflorescences of small fragrant flowers of reddish-purple color. By the beginning of autumn, the fruits ripen and are brown or brown nuts located in a cup.

Origanum common in small groups grows in mixed and coniferous forests, on clearings and edges, on rocky slopes and meadows. It is found in Europe, Central Asia and Siberia. Other names for oregano are oregano, frankincense, and mint.

How to harvest grass

  • Gather the frankincense in the middle of summer, during mass flowering, when the flower buds are fully opened. If you do this later, the quality of the raw materials will decrease due to a decrease in the concentration of the essential oil contained in the grass.
  • During harvesting, tops are cut at a distance of 25 centimeters from the ground. Pulling the stem along with the root system is not recommended, it causes damage to the raw material base.
  • Dry in a ventilated area or outdoors in a shaded area. Oregano dries faster in a special dryer with forced ventilation of heated air. The drying temperature does not exceed 40 degrees, otherwise the essential oils decompose.
  • Drying is considered complete if the stems break with little bending. The finished raw material is characterized by a fragrant smell and tart, bitter-spicy taste. Store separately from other medicinal plants.
  • The dried plant in its entirety is allowed to be stored for one year. If you grind and place in a tightly closed container, the period will increase three times. Harvesting grass in the same place is recommended every two years.

The healing and beneficial properties of oregano

People have long been using oregano to fight colds and coughs. The composition of oregano includes useful chemicals, vitamins, essential oils, phytohormones. Thanks to this, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, choleretic and diuretic properties are achieved.

Recipes with Oregano Oil

  1. The grass will help cope with the common cold. To do this, take inhalation with oil.
  2. Normalizes the menstrual cycle if you make a sitz bath and add a few drops of oil.
  3. Relieve rheumatic pain. Mix a tablespoon of vegetable oil with two drops of oregano oil. Using massage movements, apply the finished product to the problem area.

This is the tip of the iceberg. From the oregano ordinary make tincture, infusion, broth, and fresh grass is used for compresses.

  1. Decoction. It is used to combat diseases of the digestive system, lungs and nervous disorders. Recipe: pour two tablespoons of raw water 0.5 liters of boiling water, put the container in a water bath, hold for a quarter of an hour and leave for 15 minutes. Drinking 0.33 glasses three times a day, cope with insomnia, and if you add ginger and honey, you will get a tool to strengthen the immune system.
  2. Infusion. Used to rinse the mouth and throat. Thanks to its antiseptic properties, it is suitable for treating all kinds of wounds. There was an infusion of application and as an external remedy for acne eruptions. Recipe: pour two tablespoons of grass 0.25 liters of boiling water, wait half an hour and strain.
  3. Tincture. Fill a clean glass container with dry or fresh inflorescences of forest mint, fill with moonshine or vodka. After a month of exposure, the tincture is ready. Use for back injuries or joint diseases.
  4. Compresses. Grind a small bunch of fresh grass and pour a liter of boiling water. After half an hour, the tool will help increase the elasticity of the chest or cope with boils.

Origanum ordinary - a natural antibiotic. In terms of vitamin C, it even competes with citrus fruits. An extract from a plant kills microbes that are resistant to chemicals. Scientists have proven that it helps with kidney colic and removes sand from the kidneys. Oregano extract is part of the Urolesan preparation, which does not need advertising.

Oregano contraindications

It is forbidden to take oral medications based on oregano to pregnant women. The plant increases the contraction of the uterus, which leads to abortion. Due to this property, oregano used to be used to terminate pregnancy and treat menstruation delays.

  • It is not recommended to use tinctures and decoctions for people suffering from heart disorders.
  • Since oregano is considered a "female grass", men are not advised to use it for a long time, otherwise it will lead to the development of sexual impotence.
  • Decoctions of oregano are not recommended for people suffering from increased acidity of the stomach or intestinal ulcer. With such diseases, it is unsuitable for use even as a seasoning for food.
  • Patients who have hepatic, intestinal or renal colic, it is recommended to use preparations from oregano carefully.
  • People suffering from hypertension and people with unstable pressure are forbidden to use even oregano oil.

If there are no diseases listed above, pick up mint and heal the body. Otherwise, think about health and once again do not take risks.

A decoction and oil of oregano

Oregano was also used in folk medicine. With its help treat diseases of the digestive system, gynecological diseases and other diseases. Decoction and oregano oil can not replace conservative therapy, but will complement it and accelerate recovery.

Oregano tea

Recipe: pour two tablespoons of dry grass with 250 ml of boiling water, wait an hour and strain or hold the drug in a water bath, without insisting. In any case, the healing properties will not go anywhere.

  1. Helps eliminate menstrual irregularities. Drink a glass of broth daily. Drink like tea, after diluting it with water.
  2. Suitable for use during menopause and helps a woman improve her health.
  3. It treats dandruff and improves hair condition. It’s not for nothing that oregano is called “female grass”.
  4. To calm your nerves or get rid of insomnia, drink the broth in diluted form twice a day. The first meal at lunch, the second at bedtime.
  5. Broth treat abscesses and wounds. Doctors advise him for eczema.

Oregano Oil

For cooking, you need vegetable oil. Mix half a liter of sunflower, olive or linseed oil with two tablespoons of oregano. Insist the agent for a day, occasionally shaking the container with oil. If the essential oil is combined with a cream base, an excellent ointment will be obtained.

  • Oil helps to overcome toothache. Rub into the gums.
  • Suitable for external use for respiratory ailments. Rub into the skin.
  • It warms the body and stimulates blood circulation. It is recommended for the treatment of osteochondrosis and joint diseases. Treat the affected area with oil three times a day.

If you don’t want to bother with cooking oil, buy it in a pharmacy ready-made.

Oregano during pregnancy

Oregano is contraindicated in pregnancy in any form.

  1. Pregnant women are forbidden to drink decoctions and herbal teas. It is not recommended to use even as a seasoning in cooking.
  2. During pregnancy, sedative or restorative drugs with oregano should not be used, because the plant has an abortive effect on the body.
  3. If there is a delay in menstruation, it is dangerous to drink tea from oregano, as it causes severe bleeding.

Infusions with oregano are allowed to be used during pregnancy to combat rashes and boils, applying externally and for washing.

In conclusion, let's talk about the use of oregano in cosmetology. It is rarely used in this area. And this is against the background of the fact that, thanks to its unique composition, it could make girls attractive to men at no cost, help get rid of cellulite and strengthen hair.

Watch the video: Essential Oils As Medicine: Essential Oils Guide (October 2024).

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