Pests and diseases of Kalanchoe, treatment methods with photos and flower care at home

Kalanchoe is a home doctor. Its juice is widely used in medicine. And it is also very hardy and can adapt to different conditions of detention.

But how painful it is when your favorite flower ceases to please you with a healthy appearance and beautiful flowering (you can find out how to make Kalanchoe bloom in this material). The first reason is plant disease. Why is this happening? What needs to be done so that your ward does not die? In this article, you will learn about the most common diseases of Kalanchoe and how to cure them. As well as preventive measures to avoid them.

General information

Violation of the conditions of maintenance and care of the plant is the main cause of flower disease. Adverse conditions for the plant are the cause of diseases, for example: spots, plaque, powdery mildew and many others.

Important! Also, due to non-compliance with these conditions, pests can appear that damage the plant no less than any disease.

Main reasons

  • Lack of light - the plant extends strongly upward, the leaves of the Kalanchoe also turn yellow or their tips dry. Just transfer the plant to a brighter room.
  • Stagnant air - because of it, the leaves fall, often ventilate the room.
  • Sunburn or severe crowding - lead to the appearance of spots on the leaves. Place the pots at a greater distance from each other and shade.
  • Nutrient deficiency - stops growing and discards leaves. Transplant the plant into new soil and fertilize.
  • An excess of peat or nitrogen in the soil - leads to curl of the leaves. Just transplant into the new correctly prepared soil.
  • Excessive watering or root rot infection - the leaves become soft and fall off. Reduce watering and treat the root system.
  • Excessive direct sunlight leads to complete yellowing of the plant. Rearrange the pot with the plant or shade it.
  • If the Kalanchoe dries or leaves fade, then For a long time there was no watering, the wrong soil composition or there are pests in it. Water the plant in a timely manner, review the composition of the soil and check for insects.

You can read more about why Kalanchoe does not bloom here.

Diseases and methods of control

  1. Powdery mildew - on leaves characteristic white spots with mushroom coating. The reason is excessively dry and warm air. Water the plant more often and transfer it to a cool place. For treatment, spray with fugicides. If during the reaction the plant's health is restored. Remember that powdery mildew is very quickly transferred to other plants. Therefore, act immediately.
  2. Leaf leaf spot - the stem of the plant rots and circular spots appear on the leaves. In this case, the flower begins to die and it is impossible to save it.
  3. Gray rot - sticky leaves with a gray coating, which later turn into porridge. Replace the soil, water regularly, adhere to proper ventilation. Use fugicides and good temperature conditions for treatment.
  4. Late blight or late blight - brown spots or brown bloom on the plant. This is due to poor ventilation and excess water in the soil. You need to reduce watering, choose the right fertilizer, carry out preventive procedures and treat the plant with fugicides.
Reference. Also, the plant is often subjected to stem rot - the trunk or stem blackens. This is due to the fact that your plant is frozen. The optimum temperature for the plant in winter is 15 ° C. It is important to calculate watering at this temperature.

Common pests

  • Aphid - The most dangerous enemy of Kalanchoe. Appears mainly in the spring. If no measures are taken at the time, it will spread to neighboring plants. Aphids are small green or black insects that appear on leaves or stems. She takes the juice of the plant and infects it with her poison. Damaged areas are covered with a sticky substance that prevents the plant from breathing.

    At the initial stage, it is difficult to notice infection, since insects are very small and settle on the back of the leaf. You can only detect due to the unhealthy appearance of the plant. It becomes dirty and deformed. To get rid of aphids, you need to trim the affected areas and burn them. Treat the remaining plant with an insecticide. Repeat once a week for a month. You can also use green potash soap: dilute in water and wash the solution with a plant. Can be replaced with laundry soap.

  • Multi-claw ticks - small glassy ticks. When it appears, leaves and petioles are covered with brown bark, plant tissues harden and bend. Wash off the insects with a soapy solution and treat the plant with an insecticide.

  • Scaffolds and false shields - insects with a two-millimeter body, top coated with wax. They form a plaque (in which a soot fungus forms) and an accumulation of insects on the plant. Leaves turn yellow, fall off, growth slows down, flowering stops. For treatment, immediately remove all insects and wash the plant with soapy water. Before removing insects, treat them with alcohol. You can use folk remedies (wipe the plant with cotton wool with alcohol, use garlic or an old toothbrush).

  • Mealybug
  • - the insect feeds on Kalanchoe juice. It propagates the fungus "black mold". If you do not take action, the plant will die. The appearance is determined by the appearance of white wax discharge. For treatment, use mineral oil to spray the leaves.


And so, leaf diseases and flower pests look in the photo.

Preventative measures

  1. Avoid drafts.
  2. Beware of sudden changes in temperature.
  3. Avoid excessive moisture and heat.
  4. Do not keep the plant in dry air.

Proper care

  • Proper watering - watering in small doses, avoid excess water. Water no more than 1 time in three days and after light drying of the soil.
  • Spraying is not recommended. The plant does not like high humidity.
  • A plant transplant is needed at least once every two years (for how to transplant a Kalanchoe, read this article).Recommendation. Transplant by transshipment into identical soil.
  • Pay sufficient attention to the formation of the bush. Pruning is an integral part of the mandatory care of Kalanchoe (more information about pruning Kalanchoe can be found here).
  • The optimum temperature is 15-35aboutC, at temperatures below plus 5aboutC - dies.
  • Control the lighting - leave it in the sun until noon, then rearrange it in the shade or cover it with a light cloth. In winter, you can not move.
  • Feeding with special preparations for succulents or cacti is desirable.

Read more about how to care for Kalanchoe so that it blooms, read here, and here we talked about how you can achieve its abundant flowering after purchase.

That's how you need to carry out home care for the flower of Kalanchoe.

Kalanchoe is a delicate plant that requires your care. If you provide it and pay constant attention to it, then the flower will delight you with its beauty and health.

Watch the video: #104 These are the common pests and diseases affecting succulents (October 2024).

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