All methods of breeding milkweed Mil: cuttings, seeds and dividing the bush. Growing Features

Euphorbia Milus belongs to the plants of the euphorbia family. Species Mile is one of those 120 species of euphorbiae that are used as ornamental plants.

This species is the endemic of the island of Madagascar, that is, this island is the only place where the euphorbia Mila grows in the wild. In domesticated form, this plant can be seen in greenhouses, on window sills and in greenhouses of various countries around the world. Thanks to the belief that it was this plant that was used as the head crown of Jesus Christ, many flower growers gave it the unofficial name "Crown of Thorns".

Choice of a season

The period depends on the method of reproduction: it is better to carry out seeds closer to the end of summer. In late summer, the plant begins to "bear fruit". Boxes with seeds ready for planting ripen on it.

As for reproduction by dividing the bush or by grafting, these procedures are best done in mid-spring, before the start of active vegetative growth - this will minimize stress for the plant.

Soil preparation

Although this type of milkweed is very, very unpretentious to the composition of the soil and can successfully grow in ordinary garden soil, it is better to use soil specially designed for cacti and succulent crops.

You can buy one at specialized retail outlets, or you can cook it yourself, which is quite simple.

To prepare the soil for Milkweed, you should take:

  • turf land - one part;
  • sheet land - two parts;
  • coarse sand - one part;
  • peat mix - one part.

We mix all these components, slightly moisten (if the composition turned out to be completely dry) and fall asleep in a pot over drainage from small pebbles or large expanded clay. On this, the preparation of the soil for milkweed breeding Mil is completed.

Home breeding methods

There are several ways to breed Milkweed Milkweed at home. Let's consider in more detail.


The seed method is the least time consuming and fast in terms of the planting process. However, the propagation of brilliant milkweed (as this species is often called) has a significant minus: the plant completely loses all its own varietal and breeding characteristics.

Propagate a plant of this species by seeds as follows:

  1. We purchase in a specialized store or collect seeds from an adult bush on our own. They should be tight to the touch, free from damage and should not be overdried.
  2. In a previously abundantly (but not excessively) moistened soil in a pot, place one or two seeds, slightly pressing them into the soil.
  3. The container in which the seeds are planted in this way should be covered with glass or plastic wrap.As an alternative to film and glass, plastic cropped bottles can be used.
  4. We put tanks with our crops in a warm room, the temperature in which should not fall below + 20 ° С. This room should also be fairly well lit.
  5. After the formation of the first leaves on the shoots, the coating from the pots should be removed.
  6. Watering seedlings should be moderate.
  7. When growing seedlings, they must be planted, one in each pot.


How to root Milkweed Milk by cuttings? Not difficult. This method of plant propagation is the most popular among gardeners. It is simple and does not require any special skills.

Propagation by cuttings as follows:

  1. From the shoots, cut off the tops, which have several pairs of adult leaflets. The length of cut cuttings should be 11-13 centimeters.
  2. Milky juice, which will inevitably stand out when cutting the tops, must be washed off with warm, even slightly hot water.
  3. Slices need to be processed with crushed charcoal and allowed to dry for one and a half to two days.
  4. After the cuttings on the cuttings have dried, they should be planted in previously prepared soil.
  5. When planting in pots is over, it is necessary to thoroughly water the cuttings and immediately create a shelter around them from a plastic film in order to create a greenhouse effect.
  6. Until the seedlings take root, they need good lighting and temperature conditions in the region of +20 degrees Celsius.

Cuttings, if all the rules are followed, take root within 14-16 days from the moment they are planted in the soil.

If you do not rinse the cuttings from milky juice, the latter, having dried, clogs the pores of the plant and places the normal appearance and development of the root system.

Dividing the bush

By dividing the bush, the euphorbia milia is not often propagated.. Not everyone knows how this is done. Nevertheless, this method is quite simple and reliable.

For milkweed propagation in this way, we select bushes having several trunks at once and a well-developed, healthy root system.

This will allow the divided parts of the shrub to recover faster after a stressful operation and to actively grow.

The procedure for dividing the bush is as follows:

  1. Carefully remove the plant from the container in which it is constantly growing.
  2. Gently free the root system from the soil.
  3. In the presence of rotten or damaged parts of the root, we delete those.
  4. Carefully and without haste, divide the root system of the plant into 2-4 parts. It is better to perform this operation with your hands, without the use of knives or scissors. However, if cutting tools cannot be dispensed with, then it must always be disinfected before use. Separate the roots of the plant so that on each of the separated parts of the rhizome, at least one fully formed process would be preserved.
  5. Milky juice that stands out during the separation of the bush must be carefully rinsed with hot water.
  6. Obtained by the separation of parts of the bush should be dried at room temperature for 1.5-3 days.
  7. After drying, each of the separated parts is planted in separated pots with a previously prepared soil mixture.
Since this procedure is very, very complex and stressful for the plant itself, one should not expect too much growth from it in the next one or two years, not to mention flowering.

Features of outdoor cultivation

In the climatic conditions of the post-Soviet space in the open ground of euphorbia, Mil is almost never cultivated anywhere. An exception can only be southern regions with a moderately warm or hot climate. Euphorbia Mile is a purely tropical plant. It does not tolerate cold weather and sudden temperature changes.

The cultivation of this plant in open ground is possible only in the summer. This is done as follows:

  1. On the site where it is planned to grow euphorbia, it is necessary to replace all the soil there, with soil with the composition indicated at the beginning of this publication.
  2. The place for planting the plant should be chosen taking into account the fact that the euphorbia mile loves the sun, and although it can grow in shady places, it does not feel comfortable.
  3. Before planting bushes, the soil must be moistened and, if possible, slightly fertilized with formulations specially designed for this purpose.
  4. A plant in pots a day or two before transplanting into the open ground must be well watered and slightly fed. This will reduce stress for the plant, inevitable when changing the place of growth, albeit temporary.
  5. Carefully removing the plant from the pot, you need to place it in pre-prepared and moistened depressions in the area, gradually adding soil to the sides of the bush.
  6. When growing Milkweed in open ground, special attention should be paid to the frequency of irrigation.Watering should be done no more than once every 7 days and produced in such a way that the water falls exclusively under the bush, but not like the trunk and leaves.

To learn about the features of Milk Milkweed care at home and see a photo of the plant, click here.

Being unusually beautiful during its own flowering, Milkweed bush Milk is able to decorate any room. To make this possible Abundant lighting and proper care should be the main rule for gardeners. behind this, though exotic, but very unpretentious plant.

Watch the video: Plant Care Tips : How to Grow Alstroemeria (October 2024).

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