Acquaintance with the street rose of La Perla variety. Photo and practical recommendations for growing a flower

Hybrid tea roses are in great demand for the design of flower beds and household plots.

The reason for their popularity is their attractive appearance, resistance to disease and weather.

One of these varieties is La Perla. What kind of street rose is this? In our article you will get acquainted with a street rose of La Perla variety. Also in the article are photos and practical recommendations for growing a flower

Botanical Description

Rosa La Pearl is a representative of tea hybrid plantsthat are used for street cultivation. Suitable for group and single landings. Resists rain, likes to grow in a well-lit place, and with proper care it rarely gets sick.


Below you can see a photo of the flower.


The plant has creamy buds that have a cup shape. When blooming, fly flowers are 11 cm in size. They produce a light and pleasant aroma. The bush blooms in two waves throughout the summer. Plant height 80-90 cm.

Pros and cons of growing

The benefits of roses include:

  • resistance to black spotting and powdery mildew;
  • early and long flowering;
  • simplicity in leaving.
Of the minuses, it is worth noting the lack of frost resistance of the bush, so in the fall you will have to take care of high-quality shelter of the plant.

Origin history

La Perla rose variety was obtained in 2006. These works were carried out by the breeder W. Kordes & Sons in Germany.

Step-by-step instruction: how to grow?

It is advisable to carry out planting in the spring, when the soil warms up to 12 degrees. Procedure:

  1. Trim the roots of the plant. Inspect the section so that it has a white color inside, as it is a healthy tissue.
  2. Place the seedling for 30 minutes in plain water.
  3. Pour a 5-liter water pit with the addition of 1 tablet of heteroauxin.
  4. Arrange the roots in the recess so that the vaccination site is deepened by 2-3 cm.
  5. Sprinkle the pit with earth, compact it near the seedling and pour it with settled water.


A place

In order for the La Perla rose to actively grow and develop, it is necessary to choose a well-lit place for it. A southeastern area with low groundwater flow is best.


In summer, a temperature of 23-25 ​​degrees is suitable for roses, and in winter you will need to cover the bush at -5 degrees.


Humidity for the flower requires moderate, but spraying is contraindicated for it.


Sunny is very important for the plant in the morning. Then the dew evaporates quickly from the leaves of the plant, thereby reducing the likelihood of infection with rust and powdery mildew.


It is necessary to carry out hydration exclusively under the root. During planting, the plant needs to be watered well, sending 5 liters under each bush. So water for 3 days, and then carry out irrigation activities once a week.

Top dressing

The following types of dressings are available:

  1. Spring. It serves to enhance the growth of the root system and shoots. In this period, you can not do without nitrogen.
  2. Summer. With its help, shoots are restored after cutting buds and new ones begin to grow. It is necessary to use mineral complex compounds in tandem with organics.
  3. Autumn. Its purpose is that the soil accumulates useful substances, and the plant is prepared for winter. Phosphorus and potassium are recommended.
Rosa La Perla in the first year will do without dressing, as food has already been added to the landing pit. After pinching, you can water the bush with mullein infusion (1:10). During feeding, it is important not to get on the leaves and shoots.


The most effective is spring pruning, which is carried out as follows:

  1. Sharpen the tool well and disinfect it with alcohol. If this is not done, then the cut will hesitate, and the bark and wood will dry out, which will lead to the development of an infectious process.
  2. The cut on the shoot is made oblique with a distance of 5 mm above the kidney.
  3. Cut the stems of the rose to a healthy tissue, it will have a white core.
  4. Pruning is done on the outer bud, then the shoot will not grow inside the bush. This will maintain good illumination of the plant.
  5. Remove all damaged, dry and dead parts of the plant.
  6. The places of cuts should be treated with Novikov's solution or garden var. After pruning, spray the bush with a solution of copper sulfate in order to prevent disease.


Transplant a plant early in spring, observing the following procedure:

  1. Water the plant the day before the transplant. The next day, remove the bush from the ground and inspect the root system. If there are any damaged or dead roots, then remove them.
  2. Prepare a planting pit 60 cm deep. Its width depends on the root system of the plant.
  3. If several copies are transplanted, then between them a distance of 40-50 cm should be observed.
  4. At the bottom of the landing pit, lower the mixture obtained from garden soil, sand and humus, taken in equal proportions.
  5. Lower the plant into the planting container so that the grafting site is deepened into the ground by 2-3 cm.
  6. Cover the pit with moist soil, tamp a little and water the bush. At the end, lay a layer of mulch near the trunk circle.


Rosa La Perla propagates mainly by cuttings, which is carried out as follows:

  1. the semi-lignified shoot is cut, it is removed on the cuttings, the length of which will be 6 cm;
  2. each copy should have one bud and leaves;
  3. dry the cuttings a little and sprinkle the bottom cut with a root growth stimulator;
  4. planting material must be planted in a nutrient substrate, and cover with glass jars or plastic wrap on top;
  5. regularly water the plants, spray and ventilate;
  6. next year they can be landed on a permanent place.

Diseases and Pests

The main diseases of La Pearl roses remain:

  • gray rot;
  • rust.
The main reason for the development of diseases in excess moisture, therefore, for prevention, it is necessary to water the plant only after the top layer of the earth has dried. For treatment, Fundazole or Topaz is used.

Of pests, a rose can be struck:

  • aphid;
  • leaflet;
  • caterpillar;
  • spider mite.

It is necessary to remove all damaged leaves, and then treat the bush with Actara or Confidor.

Mistakes in care: consequences and their correction

When growing La Perla roses, flower growers make the following mistakes:

  1. Soil with a rose must be regularly loosened, but not deep, as this can injure the root system of the plant. If the soil is not loosened, then oxygen will not flow to the root system of the plant, which will adversely affect the growth and development of the rose.
  2. The rose should not experience a lack of moisture, so you can not use surface watering. If soil moisture is insufficient, then the leaves will begin to wither, dry and fall off.
  3. It is very important to lay a layer of mulch near the stem of the rose. You can use sawdust or peat for this.
  4. In the spring, it is imperative to trim to properly form a bush. If this is not done, then flowering will be sparse or absent altogether.
  5. Be sure to prepare the rose for winter, bending the bush to the ground and covering it with dry material. If this is not done, then the plant will freeze and die.

Rosa La Perla is a decorative culture intended for street cultivation. Due to its resistance to common diseases, flower care is not difficult, so even a beginner can do it.

Watch the video: Sydney - City Video Guide (October 2024).

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