What is forbidden to carry on the plane. Rules of conduct on board

Experienced travelers have long known that you can not take on a plane and carry in baggage. People traveling rarely or for the first time do not always realize that there are special baggage requirements. In this case, for hand luggage carried in the cabin, special requirements apply. There is also a list of prohibited items in baggage and special rules of conduct on board an airplane.

What you can not take in hand luggage

Many people know that only a small baggage is allowed into the cabin. The rest of the cargo must be taken to the luggage compartment. The usual things in a personal backpack or bag when preparing for a flight on an airplane are not perceived as something special. At the same time, a number of items that people are used to always have with them are prohibited from being transported in the cabin. Such things often cause controversy when landing.

Attention to the girls! Unacceptable items in carry-on baggage are manicure accessories and tweezers. They must be carried in baggage. You can only take a round nail file into the cabin, but not all airlines allow it to be carried. The same applies to deodorants, especially in the form of aerosols.

Everything that is forbidden to be carried in an airplane is definitely determined by international flight rules. Disputes with airport employees will not lead to anything - they just do their job. If you do not transfer the manicure set into a suitcase before checking in, you will have to leave it - they will not let him into the salon.

The same applies to a number of other items. Forbidden items in hand luggage of an airplane are not a whim of airlines - this is a way to ensure maximum flight safety. Do not take the following on a plane:

  • Fragile items
  • Aerosol cans
  • Liquids in a volume of more than 100 ml.
  • Any objects with sharp corners
  • Toys and objects imitating weapons
  • Alcohol, excluding duty free shopping
  • Medical and sewing needles, knitting needles and crochet hooks
  • Any other items that could injure passengers.

For liquids there are special conditions - a half-filled container of 200 ml is not allowed for transportation. The container should not be more than 100 ml, regardless of its fullness. An exception is the necessary medicines and baby food during the flight. Medications are not transported in the cabin according to the passenger - the need to have medications in large containers must be documented. It is especially worth highlighting solutions for contact lenses - they go in luggage, you can take only filled containers or mini-bottles in your hand luggage.

If small bottles for solution will be used, then they, like other liquids, should be placed in a transparent bag. Experienced travelers are advised to use plastic files with a lock, simplifying both transportation and inspection. It is worth remembering that the maximum volume of fluids, with the exception of baby food and medicines, should not exceed 1 liter. The category of liquid includes perfumes, gels, any aerosols, shaving foam, toothpaste and even lip gloss.

Which phone can not be taken on board?

Samsung Galaxy Note 7 is among the banned mobile devices. It is banned even in the luggage compartment due to self-ignition cases, sometimes leading to device explosions.

Special conditions! Already received information about new bans on the contents of hand luggage when flying by American and British airlines. Any equipment larger than a standard smartphone is not allowed to be transported. Moreover, on most flights of other airlines it is allowed to carry portable computer and other equipment in the cabin.

These rules apply to all flights from countries in the Middle East where Islam is represented by the dominant religion. This also applies to states from North Africa with a Muslim population. The rules apply not only to flights to America and Britain, but also to transit flights that land in these countries.

The ideal option for the right trip would be prior information. It is necessary to specify in advance in the airline everything that is forbidden to carry on the plane in baggage and in hand luggage. There are uniform rules, but they sometimes change depending on the international situation.

What is forbidden to carry on the plane in baggage

Rigid criteria apply to hand luggage. Baggage is also subject to restrictions. For all airlines, without exception, an international list of items prohibited for transportation even in baggage is valid. This list applies to individuals flying on passenger flights.

This cannot be carried in baggage on the plane:

  • Compressed and / or liquefied gases
  • Weapons and various ammunition
  • Any magnetized objects
  • Toxic and radioactive materials
  • Caustic, corrosive, oxidizing agents
  • Flammable liquids and solids
  • Explosive materials and components for their manufacture.

In addition, there are internal airline rules created by a particular airline. They can not contradict the applicable international standards, but they are able to expand the list of prohibited items at their discretion.

Important! Changes may apply to baggage and cabin baggage. Sometimes it is forbidden to carry an umbrella in the cabin - it may be required to check in your luggage. According to the rules of transportation of umbrellas there are no uniform requirements, therefore, if necessary, its transportation, it is better to clarify this point in a particular airline.

It is worthwhile to clarify in advance that it is impossible to carry in baggage on the plane, this will save nerves, time and money. Persons transporting oversized cargo or animals must necessarily learn the possibility of their transportation. Now there are many airlines and even individual flights that do not allow the transport of animals.

Attention! It must be remembered that transporting animals on an airplane is very different from transporting by train. It is necessary not only to collect all the required certificates and veterinary documents, but also to clarify the conditions for placing pets. This is necessary in order to pick them the right cells and / or carry during the trip.

For inexperienced travelers, it is important to remember that different airlines have their own restrictions on the size and weight of baggage. The same applies to hand luggage carried into the cabin. Therefore, all information about what is prohibited on the plane of a particular airline must be clarified in advance in order to avoid misunderstandings.

Rules of conduct on board - what is forbidden to do on the plane

The tightening of the general requirements for passenger transportation has long occurred in many modes of transport. Fans of railway trips know that for drinking alcohol on the train you can get a fine or even be landed at the nearest station with a train station.

There are restrictions on flights, but most passengers do things that cannot be done on the plane. They perfectly understand that they cannot be dropped, but this does not exempt them from the fine. Moreover, in case of threatening passenger behavior, the aircraft can land at the nearest airport for safety reasons. In this case, not only a heavy fine is imposed, but also an arrest. In other cases, you can get off with only a small material penalty on arrival, but it is better not to commit such acts.


  • Get out of the chair when landing and taking off
  • Smoke and drink strong alcohol
  • Walk the aisles while posting food and drink
  • No need to use emergency equipment
  • Refuse to fasten seat belt upon request of pilot
  • Screaming and talking loudly, making noise, listening to music without headphones or singing
  • To recline too low in the seat if the rear passenger continues to sit straight.

The rest concerns the general rules of conduct in society - do not insult anyone, push or somehow show aggression. It is advisable to try not to impose communication next to passengers sitting if they do not want to maintain a dialogue.

Interesting! Those who have already flown a plane many times know that there is a pressure drop during takeoff and landing. This does not last long, but can cause discomfort. At this time, it is recommended to chew, suck the candy, breathe deeply and evenly, or try to forcefully yawn. People with experience are advised not to sleep during takeoff and landing in order to be able to do any of the above recommendations. At the same time, no one forbids sleeping rules of flights.

Earlier on all flights, various digital devices were allowed in the cabin. Now a number of airlines require tablets, laptops, and even electronic books to hand in their luggage, carrying only their phone in their hand luggage. British companies directly indicate the size of the devices, allowing you to immediately understand which phone can not be taken on an airplane.

In order for baggage inspection, boarding and flight on a plane to go without excesses, you need to know in advance that you can’t take it on a plane and how it is forbidden to behave in the cabin. The presence of items prohibited for transportation in hand luggage or in luggage may become the basis for refusing to board on board if you do not want to leave such items at the airport. Violation of the rules of conduct during flight may result in a fine after landing. If everyone follows the established procedure for baggage and rules of conduct, the flight will be much more pleasant and safer.

Find out some more useful tips on how to behave on the plane by watching the video.

Watch the video: Things that are BANNED on a Royal Caribbean cruise! (October 2024).

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