Single beds with lifting mechanism, pros and cons

The furniture industry, like other industries, does not stand still and continues to develop rapidly. New interior items are created, and old ones are modernized. One of such innovations is a single bed with a lifting mechanism, which harmoniously fits both in a small room and in a spacious bedroom. In order to correctly determine the model, it is worth familiarizing yourself with all the features, advantages and disadvantages of such furniture.

Pros and cons of design

The main difference between modern design is rationality in the use of available space, so today many are striving for a minimum set of furniture with its maximum functionality. One of the best solutions in this case is a single bed with a lifting mechanism. Such a piece of furniture has unique technical characteristics. As for the benefits, it should be noted:

  • the presence of a spacious linen niche, the size of the corresponding bedroom place and allowing you to store a large number of things;
  • when installing the furniture frame on the floor, a under-roof clearance is not formed, difficult to access;
  • comfortable operation of the product, especially in contrast to the option with drawers;
  • optimization of space in the room due to the compactness of furniture;
  • convenience and ease of use of the lift;
  • beautiful, modern style, a large number of designer models.

A bed with a lifting mechanism has the following disadvantages:

  • high cost;
  • high risk of damage to the lifting device;
  • inconvenience with frequent storage use.

Despite the shortcomings and higher cost, this option is perfect for small apartments and rooms, as well as for those who prefer simplicity and multifunctionality at the same time.

Frame materials

Single beds with a lifting mechanism differ in the material from which the frame of the product is made. Today, for the manufacture of this part are used:

  • solid wood;
  • metal;
  • MDF;
  • Chipboard.

You should know that the latter species only simulates wood. Products made from this material are quite cheap, however, they are not recommended for children and allergies. Particleboard contains formaldehydes. In addition, such frames show mixed results in terms of reliability and durability.

Products made of MDF have a beautiful appearance, have a low cost, do not contain harmful substances, but their service life is quite short. The most expensive, durable, reliable material is solid wood. Typically, for the manufacture of furniture are used:

  1. Ash. Among the advantages of this environmentally friendly material, one cannot but note the respectable appearance, durability, and resistance to heavy loads. Among the shortcomings can be distinguished high cost, low resistance to moisture.
  2. Oak. The advantages of such a frame are obvious: a beautiful wood pattern, reliability, moisture resistance, durability. Among the shortcomings can be distinguished high cost, high weight.
  3. Beech. Material with a high density, beautiful pattern. However, the wood darkens over time, the array is prone to cracking, has a large weight.

For the manufacture of beds with a lifting mechanism, metal is also used. Such frames are resistant to the negative effects of moisture, able to withstand heavy weight, durable. Among the minuses note a uniform appearance, a high probability of damaging the flooring with legs.

The frame elements are also made of metal, so when buying a product, you should pay attention to the quality of the steel from which the components are made.

ChipboardSolid woodMDFFolding bed with metal baseShades of wood

Types of hoisting mechanisms

Single beds with a lifting mechanism differ in the principle of action of built-in parts. Depending on the load that the furniture must withstand, the type of lift is also selected. The main types of mechanisms for single beds are presented in the table below.

Gas liftA cylindrical shock absorber that is filled with air or gas.Reliability, ease of use, ability to withstand heavy weight.High cost, the mechanism can have a destructive effect on the furniture body made of fragile material.
Spring loadedShock absorber from a metal frame with a set of coil springs.Reliability, low price, the best option for a single bed.Requires physical force; frequent use may require replacement.
HingedManual gear not equipped with shock absorbers or springs.Reliability, durability, availability.Full dependence on the physical efforts of a person can creak.

The type of lifting mechanism for a bed determines not only durability, but also the high operational characteristics of the furniture.

When choosing this part, you must pay attention to the following factors:

  • the frequency of use of a niche under a berth;
  • frame and mattress weight;
  • created load;
  • materials used in the manufacture.

In addition, such products may vary in the arrangement of the lifting mechanism. Horizontal and vertical parts are distinguished. In the first type of fastening under the bed, a niche is formed for storing things, in the second case, the furniture rises and fixes on the wall. When folded, these models look like a chest of drawers or a cabinet.

Gas liftSpringsHorizontal liftVertical lift


Single beds with a horizontal lifting mechanism and also with a vertical arrangement of shock absorbers are made in various sizes. Standard dimensions for such a bed are:

  • 80 x 200 cm;
  • 90 x 200 cm;
  • 90 x 190 cm.

In some cases, the buyer is invited to order a product with non-standard dimensions. However, you should be aware that furniture made to individual sizes is much more expensive than the models presented in stores.

Selection tips

When choosing furniture with a lifting mechanism, the following points should be considered:

  1. The requirements of the person who will sleep on this bed. For children, people with disabilities and people with serious illnesses, they can be very specific.
  2. Dimensions and features of the room. An important role is played by the design of the room in which the furniture will be installed, the availability of free space.
  3. Dimensions of furniture. When choosing a bed, it is necessary to proceed from the fact that its length should exceed by 10-15 cm the height of the person who will sleep on it, as for the width - it is best to buy the largest furniture that can fit in the room without interfering with free movement (between the berth and the nearest object must leave a distance of at least 70 cm).
  4. Functionality. The more tasks furniture performs, the more profitable will be its purchase. For example, on sale you can find corner sofas-beds with a lifting mechanism, which serve as a place for sleeping, daytime rest, storage.
  5. Upholstery material. For a family with young children, models made of leather and arpatek are best suited. In the case of the acquisition of more budget options, it is worth taking a look at the upholstery made of artificial suede, velor, jacquard.
  6. Type of lifting gear. The best option is considered to be models equipped with a gas lift, allowing you to use a niche under a berth without the use of great effort. As a rule, such shock absorbers are capable of lifting up to 100 kg, therefore they are suitable for all types of beds and mattresses.
  7. Quality fittings. Failure of low-quality parts will lead to a violation of the functionality of the design.
  8. The presence of a back. Furniture installed close to the wall does not require additional elements, while a bed with a rising back and a headboard can be located in the middle of the room. Often this detail can contain niches in which you can put frames for photos, favorite books, a night lamp.
  9. The method of mounting the mechanism. Beds on these beds can be raised both horizontally and vertically.
  10. Comfort. When choosing furniture, it is advisable to give preference to models with an orthopedic mattress and slats installed on the frame. Such a product will help maintain spinal health.
  11. Product style. The bed should organically fit into the design of the room, match the color scheme to the rest of the interior.
  12. The reputation of the manufacturer, which undoubtedly affects the quality of the design.

Among the presented list the most important and determining aspect, expressed in the cost of the bed, is not indicated. However, in each price category one can find worthy offers both in terms of performance and aesthetics.



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