How to choose a cover for furniture, an overview of models

Many types of upholstered furniture have a high cost and attractiveness, so the owners of such structures strive to maintain the unsurpassed appearance of their products for many years. For this, furniture covers are considered optimal for use, which are made of different materials, are presented in numerous sizes and differ in a variety of colors. An inexpensive and optimal way to extend the life of any upholstered furniture is to use high-quality covers that protect the upholstery from dirt, scuffs and abrasion.


Covers for upholstered furniture are made with high-quality and reliable elements to perform various functions:

  • protecting attractive and expensive furniture upholstery from the sharp claws of pets;
  • hiding various ugly spots or torn upholstery on old furniture;
  • the appearance of the structure is updated inexpensively and unusually, and the interior of the entire room can also change;
  • are universal products, therefore, can be used for various interior items;
  • they are easily removed if necessary, after which they are washed in a standard washing machine or sent to dry cleaning, so various impurities are simply eliminated from them;
  • their appearance is usually attractive, so they serve as a wonderful decoration of structures;
  • provide effective and permanent protection of the upholstery from dirt, moisture or other negative influences;
  • many of these products have a low cost, so they are available to every buyer.

On the market are designs made of expensive and attractive materials, so they have a high cost, as well as a unique appearance.


Covers are special products designed for upholstered furniture. They are presented in different forms:

  • dense - acts as a unique shell for various interior items. It is selected in strict accordance with the size and shape of the structures. Such furniture covers are most often made to order according to the individual parameters of a particular interior item. The presence of any folds or wrinkles is not allowed, as they significantly spoil the appearance of the furniture. For the manufacture of such products durable materials are used, and the most commonly used for these purposes is velveteen;
  • a cover on furniture of a free cut - such a product makes it possible to hide various flaws that exist on the subject of interior. Fixing it is usually done with the use of ties. It is equipped with numerous decorative details that improve its appearance. To create products, not only dense fabrics are used, but also various light materials, and also combined products are often used;
  • wraps - in appearance it resembles an ordinary plaid, but it does not just wrap on the surface of the furniture, as it is fixed with various additional elements. Usually cords or tapes are used for mounting. Presented as a standard large canvas covering all surfaces of the interior. Its size depends on the dimensions of the furniture.

Thus, covers for furniture are presented on the market in a large number of types. They differ in the material of manufacture, fixing method or device.


In the ties

The most popular covers designed for fixing on interior items are special products with ties. They are represented by textile structures that are similar in appearance to a standard bedspread.

The cover is fastened with the help of special ties, which allows it to fit extremely tightly to various interior items. The main purpose of such products is to protect high-quality material from various contaminants.

Most manufacturers produce such covers with a variety of bows, rivets or other decorative elements, which provides a beautiful appearance of any room.


Such products for upholstered furniture are made of various materials, and often even ordinary fabrics are often used. Also popular are products made of stretching and elastic gum. In the latter case, euro covers are obtained.

Tension elements fit tightly to all elements of any upholstered furniture, and often they cannot be distinguished from standard furniture upholstery. For the production of such a cover, elastic fabrics are used, which have good elasticity, ease of care, resistance to abrasion and other mechanical stresses.

Materials of manufacture

Covers can be made of different materials. Most often used for these purposes:

  • shenill - is an attractive and pleasant to the touch fabric. Its cost is at an acceptable level, but the disadvantage is the inability to clean the material from contamination using wet cleaning;
  • Jacquard - has a high density, therefore, withstands various negative effects. It is an attractive fabric. The main advantage is good wear resistance. Photos of the cover made of this material are below;
  • velveteen - the fabric does not crease, serves for a long time and has a good indicator of wear resistance. Due to the high density, the covers always keep their optimum shape. Material in the process of sewing the product does not spread, and also the fabric itself does not need specific care;
  • Damascus - this material is beautiful, soft, noble and brilliant. It can be shiny or matte. Its cost is at a high level, so it is chosen by wealthy buyers.

Thus, a large number of different materials are used to create different types of covers. They differ in composition or parameters, so you should evaluate all their characteristics in the selection process.


Selection recommendations

The choice of covers for many potential buyers is considered quite complicated. This is due to the fact that they are actually represented in a large number of species that differ in parameters, appearance and cost. In the selection process, you should pay attention to different criteria:

  • the cost should correspond to the quality of the product;
  • he is obliged to fit well into the specific style of the interior, where he plans to constantly use it;
  • the material from which the product is made must be resistant to moisture, sunlight and other exposure factors;
  • he must be durable and attractive;
  • users themselves should like the appearance of the selected product;
  • when choosing a product, one should have accurate information regarding what dimensions the interior item itself has;
  • if the furniture has specific shapes and sizes, then the best solution is to contact a special studio, where the most suitable cover will be made of any fabric;
  • when choosing a finished product, all the elements of its fastening should be checked, since they should be easy to use, as well as high-quality;
  • the seams must be strong and reliable, and no color transitions, protruding threads or other problems are allowed;
  • the accompanying documentation for the product is certainly studied, where the basic rules and requirements for competent care of it are indicated so as not to spoil it with incorrect actions.

Thus, furniture covers are popular products that provide effective protection for expensive upholstery from various negative influences. They are presented in numerous shapes and colors, so when choosing you should consider the main factors that allow you to get beautiful, durable and reliable designs. They can act not only as protective elements, but also as a real decoration of any room and interior item.



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