The choice of modular furniture in the living room, expert advice

Living rooms for people are not accidentally considered the "heart" of the house. Important events take place here, households gather after working days, meetings with friends and relatives take place. The interior of the living room should be beautiful, spacious. The main criterion for evaluating a room is convenience and comfort. This allows the implementation of modular furniture for the living room, which today is presented in a wide range. Not so long ago, the owners sought to acquire bulky cabinet walls, where housewares were placed. Now for storage, built-in furniture is used in the room of each family member, and the living rooms are furnished with interesting, modern furniture.

Advantages and disadvantages

Modular furniture for living rooms, the photo of which can be seen in the selection, has become popular since Soviet times. Then it was called "import wall." Now it is difficult to imagine a modern apartment furnished otherwise.

Features of modular designs:

  • the modules have quick-detachable fasteners, so cabinets or sofas easily change configuration;
  • the sizes and shapes of the modules are diverse, so it’s easy to choose for both large and small rooms;
  • due to its small size, the room looks spacious, comfortable;
  • Each element of furniture is made so that it can be put anywhere, so any living room will look especially.

The advantages of furniture include:

  • multifunctionality;
  • ergonomics;
  • practicality;
  • ease of use;
  • aesthetics.

All modules are made in the same style, from the same material. The difference in size and purpose. Therefore, the owners can easily assemble "their" living room from separate cabinets, shelves, bedside tables.

Modern apartments are small in size and therefore it is difficult to pick up one large finished wardrobe. A small room visually becomes even smaller. Modular furniture allows you to visually expand the space visually, make the living room freer.

The modules for the living room include:

  • small wardrobes;
  • wall or corner shelves;
  • dressers;
  • thumbs;
  • ottomans.

It is not necessary to arrange everything in a room at once. First, install the most necessary items, then add the rest as needed. This is another plus of such a system.

In any product there is a plus and minus. There are disadvantages in this case:

  • modules are not decorated with paintings or carvings. This is a youth or modern design;
  • with a modular system does not create a unique design interior;
  • all items are produced in standard sizes in multiples of five and ten, so sometimes there are difficulties in choosing furniture for small rooms.

But all the shortcomings are covered by the fact that for people with average incomes there was an opportunity to beautifully, extraordinary furnish their favorite room.


The purpose of the living room is to receive guests, spend family evenings, watch television films, communicate with family. The room should have lockers for storing souvenirs, photo albums, books. There should also be a place for a TV, radio equipment, storage of disks, videos, portable hard drives. The living room should be comfortable, so there must be a place for flowers, decorative elements. Often, shelves or stands for plants are included.

All this is taken into account by furniture manufacturers. Modular furniture for the living room are available in different types:

  • a small cabinet wall or several different in size and size of cabinets. Their purpose is not only - storage of personal belongings, but also for the placement of designer trifles (candlesticks, watches, books, figurines and the like);
  • shelving - they are available in different types, with open and closed shelves. Their task is not only to store books, albums, but also to arrange flowers, an aquarium and other little things. Some racks are used as safes;
  • a chest of drawers is today the most popular accessory. It is often purchased instead of bulky cabinets. It is necessary if the living room is small. The plus is that some compartments may well be used instead of a safe;
  • Corner wardrobe - convenient, does not take up much space in the room, but it is very roomy. The main plus - successfully fit into any interior. The purpose is multifunctional. It can store all personal items, documents, various items;
  • table - preference is given to a coffee table. But now there are many models of transformers. In one minute, a small table turns into a large dining table. This also allows you to make the living room multifunctional;
  • The bar counter is a new element of the living room. He came to us from Europe. It is convenient if the living room is combined with the kitchen. It is issued in a different form, it will not be difficult for each owner to find an option for his home.

All items are made from the same material, in the same style. This allows you to choose furniture for the room and not violate the overall design. Modules are direct and universal.

Direct destination

The produced furniture is only for the living room, not intended for use in rooms of another type. For the manufacture of "noble" materials are selected to make the room solemn, beautiful. Often, furniture for direct use is made to order. All sizes are adjusted to a specific room. Such furniture is distinguished by nobleness and grace, therefore, different types of wood are used for its manufacture. Such modules are used to create a modern living room.

Modules for direct use from:

  • oak;
  • beech;
  • pine trees;
  • birch trees;
  • ash.

Furniture from pine is considered the most economical, and from beech - the most elite. Beech - refers to a noble breed of wood, the items are the most expensive, high-quality. To save money and create a special style, designers and technologists recommend combining wood with glass or metal. For example, if the cabinets and chest of drawers are made of wood, then the table and racks can be made of glass. It looks exquisitely modular furniture for the living room, the photo on the right just demonstrates how best to choose and arrange everything.

It will be difficult to pick up ready-made similar items that work well together.


The most popular are universal modules. This furniture is an economy class. It is produced in standard sizes, from the same materials. The most commonly used chipboard. Sometimes chipboard is replaced with MDF, the latter material is of better quality.

To give solemnity and high cost, decoration is used. Often, technologists bring the work to such a level that it seems as if the furniture is made of natural wood. Do not be afraid that the appearance will be quickly damaged. Modern technology allows you to make the material practical, durable.

To furniture did not seem faceless, uninteresting, together with a tree are used:

  • plastic;
  • mirror;
  • colored glass;
  • spraying and more.

Thanks to this decision, the living room furniture becomes exclusive, original. Universal modules are good in that they can often be used not only for the living room, but for example, for the study or teenager’s room. All cabinets, shelves, chests of drawers are standard and will easily find their place in any room.

Universal type is the most convenient. Manufacturers took into account that the wall will be assembled in a different version, so all fasteners are located as standard. With such a constructive solution there will be no difficulties in further assembly.

A big plus of the universal type is that the resulting wall can always be disassembled and assembled in another embodiment. All fasteners are reusable.

Features of a complete set

The modular system is good in that it is possible to create "your own special world." Another major plus is that it can always be rearranged, and the room will again become "new."

There are a number of features in modular furniture:

  • all items are produced in different heights, widths, depths;
  • items are fastened not only with ties, but also with shelves. Because of this, the entire structure looks light and airy;
  • The set of living room furniture includes not only cabinets, but also shelves, racks, cabinets, so the system is convenient, comfortable, multifunctional.

You need to look at the catalogs and decide what exactly is needed for the living room. It is better to make a small sketch of the room. To do this, you must:

  • measure the length and height of the room;
  • specify where, what item is supposed to be put;
  • find out the sizes of cabinets, shelves, racks;
  • draw a plan of the living room in size to scale;
  • draw the location of objects in the room in size.

Do not rush into the choice. It is better to immediately ask what items are produced from the same series. Suddenly there will be a desire, financial opportunities to expand the wall with shelves or another curbstone.

Where is better to place

Choosing furniture, you need to immediately decide where what item will stand. There are several placement rules:

  • Tall, large cabinets should preferably be placed in dark places, away from sunlight. The perfect place would be the corners. Therefore, you should choose corner cabinets. In a corner, in a dark place, they will not look bulky;
  • opposite the sofa, shelves and low cabinets should be placed under the body or radio equipment. The room will not be overly crowded;
  • near the window you need to hang small wall shelves. You can put flowers on them. They will not block sunlight; the room will always be bright and visually appear spacious;
  • the chest of drawers should be placed between the shelves, or near the doorway. It is not recommended to put a TV on it, otherwise the style will be violated. It is better to put large souvenirs, figurines or vases with flowers on it;
  • a coffee table is always placed near upholstered furniture so that vacationers can take newspapers, magazines or put their things from it, the same phone, for example;
  • small-sized ottomans are placed anywhere. Children can sit on them during games, or adults can stay for relaxation. It’s good if the living room has several ottomans placed in different places.

Often shelves alternate with small cabinets, cabinets. It turns out the wall "hill". She always looks original, unusual. Modular furniture in the living room is good because each owner creates his own wall. Combining the sizes of racks, cabinets, shelves, stands, it turns out a kind of furniture composition. In the creation of the living room, each owner himself is a "painter", manufacturers of modules only offer individual elements.

Nuances of selection

Select individual living items must be correct. Incorrectly selected shelf can ruin the whole design of the room. There are a number of rules for choosing furniture:

  • modules should be made of the same material, the same color;
  • the styling of all is identical;
  • choose the height of racks and cabinets, taking into account the general interior of the room;
  • take into account the size of the cabinets and the area of ​​the room;
  • color scheme should correspond to the general interior;
  • be sure to choose small items along with large items, this will help create a "balance" and make the room visually spacious.

No need to choose modular systems for the living room from only one material. The room will resemble an office, will become a faceless. It is necessary to combine items. For example, a wardrobe made of wood, and a table made of glass. The legs at the table should be made of the same material as the base of the cabinet.

When equipping a room, one must take into account the style of the whole house. Furniture should be selected so that the room benefits from a choice, it became spacious. A good room is one you don’t want to leave. By this principle, you should create an interior.



Watch the video: Interior Design Tips: Sofa Buying Tips For Your Best Sofa! (October 2024).

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