Pemba is a rich reef island of Tanzania

The coral island of Pemba, which is part of the Zanzibar archipelago (Tanzania), is known for an abundance of diverse tourist vacations. African nature, marine climate, a combination of tourist and resort opportunities add to this place's popularity. While Pemba is not so famous in the tourist environment and is famous for a quiet secluded vacation away from the domination of civilization. Here you can simultaneously get acquainted with the underwater world, the beauties of mountainous hills and spend a full beach vacation on the Indian Ocean.

General information

Pemba Island in Tanzania is located 50 km north of Fr. Zanzibar. Its length is 65 km, width - 18 km. Historically, among Arab merchants, it was known as the "Green Island", which is replete with spices - a particularly valuable commodity.

The population here is less numerous than in Zanzibar, is characterized by friendliness and great respect for local traditional beliefs. Here, folk medicine is practiced everywhere, and they are engaged in agriculture, which is based on the cultivation of spices, rice and legumes. At least 3 million cloves grow on the island, mangrove plantations and coconut palms are cultivated.

Pemba has its own airport. Most hotels are located along the beaches, the most famous of which is Vumavimbi (2 km long). Since the sand on the island is of coral origin, it has a beautiful white color and a property suitable for southern recreation - it does not heat up in the sun.

Attractions and entertainment

The main advantage of the Tanzanian island is its geographical location. The proximity of the African continent, the dominance of the marine climate, comfortable beaches and its own history make the island an object with its own tourist value. What can I spend my vacation time on the Tanzanian island of Pemba?

Diving and snorkeling

Pemba is a favorite place for divers and just diving enthusiasts. The coastal waters are distinguished by a variety of animals for contemplation and colorful photos. Tanzania is located almost at the equator, so the underwater world is densely populated. Especially developed is diving on the east coast, where there are coral reefs (Emerald, Samaki), and the water is transparent and allows you to observe in detail barracuda, stingrays, octopuses, large crustaceans, moray eels, schools of fish.

Of unique features: in 1969, a Greek ship sank near the island. Its skeleton was overgrown with algae and shells; representatives of the bottom fauna found refuge on it. Divers are happy to visit this new facility to enjoy the riot of colors and to observe the active life of the ocean population.

In July-August, the humpback whale migration route passes through the waters of Pemba Island. The ocean around the island is an excellent fishing ground. The most successful time for fishing here is the period from September to March, and the place is the Pemba Strait, which separates the island from mainland Tanzania.

Rainforests Flying foxes

The pristine island nature has preserved the local tropical forest in all its diversity. Thickets of baobabs look unusual for the European eye, the exotic fauna and flora of the forest tropics are the pride of the island. When visiting, you can find blue monkeys, flying foxes, duker antelopes and others. Among the branches, bright birds with colorful plumage are clearly distinguishable, fragrant flowering plants and creepers make up a typical forest landscape.


Remoteness from the mainland did not affect the development of the economy and infrastructure of the island. He did not remain aloof from the sea caravan routes, and representatives of various cultures left their mark in his history. From the architectural sights here you can find ancient ruins, such as:

  • the ruins of a coastal military fortification - an Arab fort built in the 18th century;
  • the remnants of the first settlements of the native African Swahili ethnicity, where burial sites with well-defined signs of authenticity were investigated by scholars;
  • even more ancient - from the XIV century. surviving mosque and fortress;
  • the world-famous ruins of another fortification - Pugini (fortress of the XV century) with an underground tomb.

At the extreme northern point of the island there is a steel lighthouse (from 1900), unofficially open to the public. In general, the architecture of the island of Pemba is distinguished by features brought by the conquerors of various times, as well as interesting ancient patterns.

Rest on Pemba: what to expect and what to prepare for

Tourism infrastructure is developed to a degree sufficient for visiting and comfortable rest of any duration. By themselves, walks around the island, mountainous areas, visiting forests and historical and cultural values ​​allow you to enjoy the scenery, broaden your horizons and always have plenty of fresh sea air. However, it is beach and sea vacations that make up the lion's share of the resort's capabilities.

Inexpensive hotels are also found on the approaches to the beaches, and directly on the shore it is proposed to take bungalows and not waste time on a daily journey to the edge of the ocean. Nevertheless, the hotel service is represented by many related services and can be supplemented by a restaurant, swimming pool, spa, diving and boat trips.

For example, the Manta Resort hotel is known for its popular notion among tourists - an underwater number. Directly into the sea, down 4 m, the first tier of the hotel room leaves, with all windows facing the depths of the sea.

Manta resort

Restaurants with local cuisine on the island of Pemba are also available, and all of them are located near the hotels. Exotic fruits on the market are inexpensive, and growing directly on tropical trees is completely free.

How to get there

Coastal aviation

Pemba Island from other parts of Tanzania can be reached by sea or through the air harbor. In the first case, there are options to sail by boat from neighboring Zanzibar (for $ 50) or by ferry from mainland Tanzania through the strait. It is believed that the best way is a plane, as ferry flights are irregular, and for a boat crossing you need to hire a private trader. Airways are served by local airlines Coastal Aviation and ZanAir ($ 130).

A lot of sun, corals, virgin rainforests and white beaches make up a real African paradise. The island of Pemba in itself is an adornment of the archipelago and a promising resort that awaits its lovers all year round.

Watch the video: Scuba Diving in Zanzibar - Tanzania (October 2024).

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